Bastide with Breath-taking Views

This delightful South-east facing ancient Bastide stone property enjoys a breath taking 3600 view across beautiful, varied countryside including views of Castelnau de Montmiral and the tranquillity of a sunny garden. The property offers around 300m2 of living space with 4 large bedrooms all on 1.25 hectares of land. The property has been partly renovated.

Triangle d'or et Cordais
Réf. 2430

Nb Chambres : 4

Surf.Hab.(m²) : 300

Surf.Terr.(m²) : 12500

Nb.Pieces : 8

Commodités (mn) : 5

Ecoles (mn) : 5

Toulouse (mn) : 60

Albi (mn) : 30

Gaillac (mn) : 15

Taxe foncière : 427

NB salle d’eau/bain : 3


Style De Bien : Maison de campagne

Etat : En partie rénové

Toiture : Canal

Construction : Pierre

Mitoyenneté : Indépendant

Evacuation eaux usées : Fosse septique

Orientation : Sud sud-est



Poutres apparentes




Prévoir travaux





Double vitrage

Description of property

This very rare bastide has been slowly renovated by the current owners and comprises of an enclosed courtyard of around 150m2 where the current owners have created a lovely outside covered dining area. The main property offers around 300 m2 of living space which comprises of 4 large bedrooms and two large reception rooms and a kitchen area. There is still the possibility of creating more living space as the current owners have ear marked a back room as a large luxurious kitchen but this could be put to many uses.

The whole estate sits on 1.25 hectares of land with park, mature trees (Lime, Maples, Conifers, Oaks) flowering hedge and shrubs, flower gardens, orchard, pond with established Lilly pads and Koi fish, large kitchen-vegetable garden.

Key points to highlight:

  • High speed internet:  ADSL (2.5 mb) and SFR Mobile (30 mb down/ 20 mb up)
  • Outbuildings: approximately: 1,000 m2, Barn, Stable, Hangars, Cellars-above ground, Attic– full head height, Ancient Tower, Workshops, Garage
  • Windows - 2017:
  • Oak Double-glazed all replaced except for 3 – as these were intended to become French doors instead
  • Custom-ordered aluminum framed screens – 1 in each bedroom, and 1 each in Master bath, Den/TV room and Dining Room.
  • New Fosse Septic – 2015
  • West side of house – 1.5m x 1.5m and 2m deep- holding tank for wine production – could be possible rain-water butte/storage
  • Potential for new owners to put their own mark on this fabulous property

Our opinion

It is the perfect holiday house for a large family or as a rental property.

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Energy Performance

200 kWhEP/m 2 .an
Housing effieciency
Energy efficient housing
Graded Chart kWhEP/ m2.year

Greenhouse gas emissions

4 kg eqCO2/m 2 .an
Low Greenhouse emission
Strong Greenhouse emission
G Graded chart kg éqCO2/

Enquiry about this property 2430

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