Charming cordaise property, swimming pool and park

OFFER ACCEPTED A very pretty property of approx 130m2 sh currently, with 3 bedrooms, a large lounge, a very pretty kitchen and a recently converted dining room in the wing of the building. The property and its pool are set in 6500m2 of parkland, the pool and outbuildings complete the picture.
Triangle d'or et Cordais
Réf. 2481
    Nb of rooms : 3
    Living area (m²) : 130
    Surf.pièce de vie : 34
    Surf.Terr.(m²) : 6500
    Nb.Rooms : 6
    Amenities (mn) : 5
    Schools (mn) : 5
    Toulouse (mn) : 55
    Albi (mn) : 40
    Gaillac (mn) : 25
    NB shower/bathroom : 1
    Property Style : Country house
    Condition : Good condition
    Roof : Canal crocheted
    Heating : Oil
    Construction : Stone and brick
    Semi-detached : Independent
    Waste water evacuation : Septic tank
    Exposed beams
    Garage :
    Swimming pool
    Double glazing

Description of property

This property is a very nice surprise. From a small stone house flanked by a dovecote, which is very classic in the area, the owners have succeeded in adding light and comfort in successive layers. The addition of the L-shaped dining room with its contemporary accents thanks to the bay windows is a real success. The exteriors are not to be outdone: a very pretty swimming pool from which you can see Cordes, the Mediterranean garden in front of the pretty terrace and at the back the outbuilding and garage.

Our opinion

Light and a warm atmosphere: you'll fall in love with the house even before you enter it. The proof: the property was sold on the first visit!

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Energy Performance

205 kWhEP/m 2 .an
Housing effieciency
Energy efficient housing
Graded Chart kWhEP/ m2.year

Greenhouse gas emissions

62 kg eqCO2/m 2 .an
Low Greenhouse emission
Strong Greenhouse emission
G Graded chart kg éqCO2/

Enquiry about this property 2481

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