Nice apartment on ground-floor

Nice flat 2 rooms to be discovered in the center of Gaillac. It is functional, very well finished and bright. A small place is reserved outside to put a table and chairs. The kitchen is furrnished and independent, the toilet separated. A air conditioning adds comfort. For more information about this property, contact MH Demeure on +33 (0)
Gaillac et environs
Réf. 1835

Description of property

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Energy Performance

267 kWhEP/m 2 .an
Housing effieciency
Energy efficient housing
Graded Chart kWhEP/ m2.year

Greenhouse gas emissions

13 kg eqCO2/m 2 .an
Low Greenhouse emission
Strong Greenhouse emission
G Graded chart kg éqCO2/

Enquiry about this property 1835

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