Quiet house in Gaillac, garden and swimming pool

In exclusivity, l'Esprit du Sud presents this very nice house, very well organised so that you will see 3 bedrooms, one of which is on the ground floor, a beautiful L-shaped living room opening onto the terrace and the swimming pool, the whole on a surface of about 180m2 as well as a parking space for two cars.
Gaillac et environs
Réf. 2377

Description of property

Our opinion

A very pleasant property to live in, a good opportunity to buy your first home.

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Energy Performance

198 kWhEP/m 2 .an
Housing effieciency
Energy efficient housing
Graded Chart kWhEP/ m2.year

Greenhouse gas emissions

10 kg eqCO2/m 2 .an
Low Greenhouse emission
Strong Greenhouse emission
G Graded chart kg éqCO2/m2.an

Enquiry about this property 2377

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