Large farm with huge potential on 2.5 hectares

Close to Lisle sur Tarn we have a property offering over 180m2 of habitable space (4 bedrooms, large dining kitchen, two living rooms). Add to that large outbuildings: a terraced in which was projected the construction of a cottage 2x 50m2 (the roof and insulation are already in place) and new detached outbuildings (20m2 + 40m2 + hangar open 80m2) built of wood and comprises a large reception room very environmentally friendly. All on 2.5 ha wooded and very calm. 

Rabastens et environs
Réf. 1223
  • Bedrooms : 4
  • Surf.Hab.(m²) : 180
  • Land.(m²) : 25000
  • Nb.Pieces : 7
  • NB salle d'eau/bain : 1
  • ------
  • Style : Ferme
  • Condition: En grande partie rénové
  • Chauffage : Fioul et insert
  • Detached
  • Evacuation eaux usées : Assainissement conforme
  • Orientation : Sud
  • ------
  • Fireplace(s)
  • Outbuildings
  • Pool
  • Well

Description of property

When you arrive at the approach to the house, you understand that a few years before that it was a cosy farmhouse all kinds of animals and maybe a big family. The large grounds are partly wooded and to the left the property, are the former stables and barns that were to eventually be transformed into lodging. Today  100 square meters has already been isolated, the plan is to create a cosy cottage. Then there is an extension, the living quarters. A small vestibule is the entrance with a traditional lounge left ie baked earth beam and pink brick fireplace. To the right of the entrance hall we find the kitchen dining room, generous and bright, and behind a recently converted room in the second dining room or living room, decorated with a stove, with full ceiling height which adds convenient volume.

Upstairs 4 bedrooms, one with a shower, a separate bathroom and an office space located on the mezzanine. At the rear of the main building there are other outbuildings, independent them with barns and stables box as if it was not enough large reception room more environmentally including dry toilets. You are going to ask the question of the septic tank: note that sanitation does conform to the current regulations.

Our opinion

A farm with possibility of additional facilities on land ideal for horses, donkeys and a farmyard.

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Energy Performance

184 kWhEP/m 2 .an
Housing effieciency
Energy efficient housing
Graded Chart kWhEP/ m2.year

Greenhouse gas emissions

32 kg eqCO2/m 2 .an
Low Greenhouse emission
Strong Greenhouse emission
G Graded chart kg éqCO2/

Enquiry about this property 1223

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