Quality house, very pleasant to live in, garage

In Couffouleux, a house of approx 135m2 - 4 bedrooms including a master bedroom, large living room - very well designed, built and fitted. Everything is of high quality and in a perfect state of repair. The exterior is equally well maintained and attractive - 2 terraces, trees and shrubs, vegetable garden, large carport, sheds, electric gate and videophone, well with pump.
Rabastens et environs
Réf. 2517
Nb of rooms : 4
Living area (m²) : 135
Surf.Terr.(m²) : 1228
Nb.Rooms : 6

Description of property

The charm is also there, whether it be the large U-shaped living room with a cathedral ceiling and a stove, the very pretty kitchen fitted out with exquisite taste, the scullery and for the night area, two bedrooms and a first shower room redone, the laundry room and the half-pallet garage, the master bedroom with its own bathroom and also a terrace and finally, the teenager's bedroom or guest room nicely fitted out in the attic, not lost! You will appreciate the pellet stove, the numerous cupboards and storage spaces, the laundry room, the aluminium joineries equipped with mosquito nets.

Our opinion

We really liked the spirit of this house, far from the beaten track, its organisation gives pride of place to comfort and at the same time, it does not lack originality.

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Energy Performance

178 kWhEP/m 2 .an
Housing effieciency
Energy efficient housing
Graded Chart kWhEP/ m2.year

Greenhouse gas emissions

5 kg eqCO2/m 2 .an
Low Greenhouse emission
Strong Greenhouse emission
G Graded chart kg éqCO2/m2.an

Enquiry about this property 2517

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